
Showing posts from January, 2018

Breach of Public Trust

Most of us have come to expect, if not accept, a level of partisanship and posturing from elected officials. Deliberate lying is beyond what we should tolerate. Filling a vacancy on a committee steering the construction of a $9 million fire house is not the most important public appointment in the world.  But the Onset Fire and Water District Prudential Committee has overstepped the bounds of decency. At the meeting of January 11, 2018, the Committee chairman stated they would fill the vacancy by first contacting those who had submitted written “applications,” i.e. letters of interest. That seemed reasonable. At the Building Committee meeting of January 23, 2018, Chairman and Water Commissioner Frank Kowzic had four letters of interest; and he responded to a direct question, “Have all of these applicants been contacted and indicated they still wish to be considered?” with “Yes they have.” He was looking directly at me, there was no misunderstanding the question nor the

Onset Fire Station Building Committee January 23, 2018 recommends New Member

One of the biggest reasons we are posting these videos is that otherwise this would be called "fake news." You can't make this stuff up, however. The meeting did indeed begin about five minutes before the posted time. Highlights include a motion to accept the minutes of a prior meeting from a member who was not there.  The committee's clerk Cathy Anderson does not seem to be up on the Prudential Committee's plan to contact former "applicants." Today district Clerk Treasurer Mary McCoy stated there was no actual application but letters were submitted. Anderson was surprised that the letters presented to them were from 2015.  Chairman Kowzic stated that the four "applicants" had been contacted and wanted to continue to be applicants.  The Committee waited over seven minutes for Melissa Goodell to copy the four pages. From what can be discerned, the applicants were David Evans, Mr. Lerner, Ed Ransom and

Prudential Committee Election 2018

The By-Laws as approved in 2013 appear to be the most up to date. They appear here  By Laws 2013 . There is one Prudential Committee seat available in 2018. The election is to be held on the third Tuesday in May.

Meeting Notice to Discuss Proposed By-Laws Changes for Onset Fire

There will be an OAT meeting in February to discuss by-laws changes to submit at the annual meeting. If you would like to be invited to the meeting time and place, please send your contact info to onsetalltogether at gmail dot com. It will not be posted to the general public.

Onset Fire Department Meetings January 2018

January 9 and January 11

Wareham Selectmen outline goals for the year (May 2017)

Wareham Selectmen outline goals for the year By Matthew Bernat | May 23, 2017 2 Increasing foot traffic in Wareham and Onset Villages, organizing town records and pushing for a commuter rail stop are some of the items on the Selectmen's agenda this year. Soon after being elected as the board’s chair last month, Peter Teitelbaum asked all Selectmen to develop goals they’d like to work toward. On Tuesday, members shared some of their answers. Selectman Alan Slavin noted that he’d continue to make transportation issues in general, and finding a site for a bus stop on Merchants Way in particular, his pet project. Additionally, he’ll work closely with Planning Department officials on developing a new master plan for Wareham. The document outlines recreation, commercial and residential goals over a 10-year period. Selectman Anthony Scarsciotti said he would make increasing foot traffic in Onset Village and downtown Wareham a priority. Scarsciotti said he’s already h