2019 Round of Onset Fire and Water District Voting
It's that time of year when we try to understand what Onset Fire and Water Districts are spending. One elected official receiving family medical, dental and "Boston Mutual" costs the rate payers, us, $ 27,792.00. Let that sink in for a minute. This year, 4 Prudential Committee members and Water Commissioners received Blue Cross. 5 received Dental. And 4 received something called Boston Mutual, which is 25% of all those who received this benefit. However, this District will not reveal how much we spent on these elected officials. Retirees include both actual employees and past elected officials. As has been the case in the past two years, they spent a great deal of money trying not to answer questions. Here's there response to a FOIA request http://bit.ly/2E75fJt . There's a link to their data on the website http://bit.ly/2E6T9QM The District further claims not to know how much they are paying for each job title, even though they