Tonight: A Special, Special Meeting November 21, 2017.

Meeting to “ratify” the Firefighter’s salary increases and transfer money for well repairs. 

Officers of the Onset Fire District:

Prudential Committee:
Charles Klueber Chairman
Marcine Fernandes Clerk
Pamela Pike Member

Water Commissioners:
Benjamin Hughes Chairman
Kenneth Fontes Clerk
Frank Kowzic Member

Board of Engineers:
Cheif Ray Goodwin
Deputy Jeffrey Osswald
Deputy William Ellis

Mary McCoy

The Prudential Committee of the Onset Fire District is calling for a Special District Meeting to be held on November 21, 2017 at 7:30PM at the Dudley Brown VFW on Gibbs Ball Park Road, Onset MA

The Warrant will be closed on November 9, 2017 and will be posted then.
