Meeting Notes

August, 2017

Attending the Onset Fire Building and Prudential Committee Meetings this week was enlightening and a little distressing. As we discovered at the 2017 District Meeting, we District members have not paid close enough attention to how, when and where our money and resources are spent. Hopefully that has changed and will continue with more and more citizen involvement and oversight. While the committee is diligent in how they see money accounted for, it’s fairly clear that there are areas for improvement and education.
The Town of Wareham has refused to discuss the sale, lease or gift of the Hammond School property and adjacent lots, but has thus far refused to issue a denial in writing. This despite several requests from the Prudential Committee Chair to do so. When asked the value of the property in Onset Village owned by the OFD, the Committee stated that they do not know the value as they have not had an appraisal. Thus, they do not know what monies may become available to offset any construction loan. If a sub-station is to remain in the Village it may very well garner tremendous support.
There is no allowance on agendas for public comment as “no public ever comes. If they came we’d consider adding it.” They Committee is willing to entertain meeting times other than the current 4:00 PM.
The Committee paid $3500.00 to Plymouth County to help them configure their requests for proposals for a project manager.
The entirety of the information technology of the District is archaic and not working in the best interests of the tax payers. The skill set of employees and infrastructure of technology needs immediate updating. Keep in mind our payments to Wareham to send out bills goes up even if the number of bills remains the same, as it is a percentage of total tax revenue.
The negotiations with Local 2810 IAFF Unit B have concluded but not been ratified by either party. The new agreement anticipates base wage increases in each of three years (2017, 2018, 2019), increases to the value of longevity steps, a removal of cap on the steps, and establishment of a sick leave bank. The total cost of the FY 2017 increase is anticipated to fall within the salary line items approved at the 2017 District Meeting and should not require a Special Meeting to acquire additional funds. However District’s counsel has advised a special meeting, at cost to the taxpayers. The Water District may also require a special meeting.
The District agendas and minutes are not posted anywhere within the District, only at Wareham town hall. Agendas may be posted at one of the three District websites. We would like to see agendas and minutes easily available to all without the need to file a FOIA request, and a user-friendly single website adequate to keeping the electorate informed.
Committee members rightly questioned why taxpayers have not been more active and informed, however that does not help move forward in a clear and transparent way. If the meeting times were more convenient, would more of us attend?
