Did the Pru Comm Vote to Close the Warrant?
You be the judge. This is my own transcription of the audio supplied by the District in response to a FOIA request. You may be surprised by what you hear.
April 9, 2020
No Roll Call taken.
Frank Kowzik is the only Water Commissioner when the meeting opens so the Water Commissioners did not convene.
Lisa Morales joined the meeting at 4:59.
Pamela Pike calls the Prudential Committee meeting at 5:00 PM. “There will be no public participation the agenda is limited to um, I will entertain a motion to close the warrant and nomination papers deadline.”
Charles Kleubler (?) “I make a motion to close the warrant and nomination papers deadline.”
Frank Kowzic (?) and unidentified female: Second. [ Kowzic is not on the Prudential Committee and the Fire Commissioners meeting did not convene.]
Marcine Fernandes (?) In the background, “All in favor?” (not the chairman)
Pamela Pike: “Do we have a second from the Prudential Committee?”
Kowzic again, “Second”
Marcine Fernandes, “Second.”
Lisa Morales, “Can you identify who is speaking?
Frank Kowzic, “Frank Kowzic! Second.”
Charles Kleubler, “Charles Kleubler made the motion.”
Marcine Fernandes, “Marcine Fernandes seconds.”
Pam Pike, “All in Favor?”
CK: “Aye Charles Kleubler”
PP: “Aye Pamela Pike”
[A “ding” is heard. VOTING STOPS]
PP: “I think someone has just joined the meeting so we will pause for a moment.”
Water Commissioner Ken Fontes joins the meeting. “Yeah this is not Frank Kowzic.Ken Fontes.
Unidentified male “Thank God for me.”
KF: “I never thought I’d see the day that Frank would call in before me”
[The Onset Water Commissioners meeting is not opened with two members present.]
PP: “To catch everyone up to speed, this meeting is being audiotaped, we have a motion, and we have a second, to close the warrant for the Prudential Committee Onset Fire District Water Department and the nominations paper deadline.”
Marcine Fernandes (?) “I make a motion that we adjourn.”
PP: “We have a motion to adjourn the meeting.”
CK: “I’ll second that motion. Charles Kleubler.”
PP: “We have a second from Charles Kleubler. All in Favor?”
PP: “Aye Pamela Pike”
CK: “Aye Charles Kleubler:
FK: “Aye Frank Kowzic”
KF: “Aye Ken Fontes.”
CK: Okay stay safe.”
5:03 PM
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